Chers adhérents et sympathisants (english version at the bottom of the email)

Nous avions prévu d’organiser notre congrès en 2020 en nous associant avec la BES, et le congrès devait de tenir à Edinburgh. Du fait du COVID 19, la BES va organiser un congrès en grande partie en virtuel et avec une faible capacité d’accueil dans le centre de congrès.

Si vous le souhaitez vous pourrez vous inscrire à ce congrès, au moins en virtuel. Mais nous avons décidé de repousser l’organisation d’un congrès conjoint à 2021. Ce congrès BES- SFE² « Ecology Across Borders 2021 » se tiendra à Liverpool du 12 au 15 Décembre 2021.

Cette année 2021 sera riche en événements vu que le congrès Intecol se tiendra du 22 au 27 Août à Genève.

Barot pour l’ensemble du CA de la SFE²

*************English version ***********

After the successful joint Annual Meeting in 2014, the British Ecological Society (BES) and the French Society for Ecology and Evolution (SFE²) have been working hard to make our next joint meeting equally great. The Covid-19 pandemic has made this uniquely challenging. Despite exploring several options, we have mutually agreed that the best option is to postpone the joint meeting with the BES continuing to hold its own meeting on the original dates of 15 – 17 December 2020.  

The planned joint Annual Meeting of the BES and the SFE² will now be held  in 2021. The two societies continue to look forward to working together on an excellent and welcoming conference for their members and the global ecological community. The conference, Ecology Across Borders 2021, is likely to be confirmed for 12–15 December 2021 in Liverpool, UK.

After the successful joint Annual Meeting in 2014, the British Ecological Society (BES) and the French Society for Ecology and Evolution (SFE²) have been working hard to make our next joint meeting equally great. The Covid-19 pandemic has made this uniquely challenging. Despite exploring several options, we have mutually agreed that the best option is to postpone the joint meeting with the BES continuing to hold its own meeting on the original dates of 15 – 17 December 2020.

The planned joint Annual Meeting of the BES and the SFE² will now be held  in 2021.  The two societies continue to look forward to working together on an excellent and welcoming conference for their members and the global ecological community. The conference, Ecology Across Borders 2021, is likely to be confirmed for 12–15 December 2021 in Liverpool, UK.