Toutes nos félicitations aux 3 lauréats de la bourse terrain 2021 !

Anna Sytiuk et Janna Barel (doctorante et post-doctorante, Laboratoire d’Ecologie fonctionnelle et environnement – UMR 5245 – ECOLAB Toulouse) – MetaMoss: Elucidating the role of metabolites in decay of Sphagnum litter.

« PhD student Anna Sytiuk (right), and post-doctoral researcher Janna Barel (left) join forces in a new field study. This summer the two earlier career researchers head to a peatland in the French Pyreneees. Here they will test how the chemical composition of peat mosses influence early decomposition. By determining how their metabolomic finger print relates to decomposition the two researchers hope to better understand why peatlands are so good in storing carbon. »

Thibault Tamin (doctorant, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1) – The meaning and implications of responses to alarm calls in a non-mobbing migratory passerine bird, the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis).

Pour rappel, l’appel à candidatures pour les bourses Terrain 2022 est ouvert jusqu’au 20 novembre 2021.