We sollicitate you today to present candidacies to the different 2021 SFE2 Prizes:

  • Grand Prix SFE2
  • Prix recherche SFE2
  • Prix jeunes chercheurs

Your proposals are expected for June 15th 2021.

Each member of the SFE2 can only nominate 1 person per prize. Researchers must be associated with a French laboratory.

Prizes will be assessed during the next SFE2 board committee and prizes will be awarded when a consensus has been reached. Like previous years, laureates will be invited to given a speech during the General Assembly of the SFE2.

For the Grand Prix and Prix recherche

The Grand prix de la SFE2 is destined to award a researcher for the totality of his/her work and his/her involvement in ecological and evolution sciences with a broad definition (scientific contribution including training, communication to a broad audience, positions, etc.). It is awarded every year. A forum is also made available to the laureate on the SFE2 website.

The Prix Recherche SFE2 is destined to award a researcher at the start or middle of his/her career for the originality and size of his/her scientific work, which bring a major contribution to field of ecology or evolution. A forum is also made available to the laureate on the SFE2 website.

For the Prix jeunes chercheurs

The Prix Jeune Chercheur de la SFE2 is destined to award and encourage the author of a remarkable and original PhD work, who defended his PhD thesis less than 3 years ago. Two Prizes are awarded every year. To discriminate laureates, the SFE2 will examine a publication signed as a first author by the young candidate and published in a high-level journal.

Candidacies must be presented by members of the SFE2, and not by the candidates themselves. All fields of Evology and Evolution and their applications are eligible, and the highest thematical or geographical diversity is encouraged. Laureates will each receive 750€. The eligible period for the 2018 prize concerns theses defended between 01/01/2018 and 31/12/2020.

You can participate to the prize attribution by sending us your argumented proposals through the attached document, and by sending it to the following address (+ joining the pdf file of the candidate article for the Prix jeune chercheur) sfecologie.bourses@gmail.com.

Ech member of the SFE2 can nominated only one person per prize.

You can find former laureates on the SFE2 website : https://sfecologie.org/actions/prix/